Vote Long Term Success for OIL

by Kelby Williams

As elections approach us here at Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature’s 1st session of the 48th Legislature, consider the candidates with open minds and open hearts. Also, when casting a vote of who would be the best representation and who shows the most equipped leadership skills, keep in mind your personal goals in OIL and your goals as delegations.

Let’s meet the candidates.

For Governor, Parliamentarian Hughes is running from the good of his heart and for the good of the people within the organization. I strongly believe Hughes would make a good Governor for OIL. I have interacted with Hughes twice, and both times he has shown amazing servant leadership skills. His back ground story explains the fate of why he belongs in OIL, and you can’t argue with fate.

Also running for Governor of OIL is Chief Justice Maxwell. Maxwell does have a very professional outlook and has experience improving programs within OIL—specifically his wonderful implementations in bettering Moot Court. However, throughout his speech there was an absence of a whole-heartedness urge to grow and develop OIL, and it is obvious that this should be taken into thorough consideration.

There are two senators competing for Lieutenant Governor—Corey Shirey and Preston Shatwell. Shirley is to Hughes as Shatwell is to Maxwell, in most simple form. One seems truly passionate about developing OIL and every delegate along with it, and the latter showed less readable sincerity and concern for the individual members.

It is a given that we should all practice our suffrage right. It is not only our right but our duty as members of this organization. We should also encourage all other individuals to voice their opinions and stress to them how much it truly matters.

Before voting for the future of OIL tomorrow, ask yourself a couple of questions. Who would better this organization for the long term? Who would be the most helpful leader who would best serve his constituents?

Leadership should be an individual making a long-term pathway for others to follow. A leader should be innovative and creative, as well as humble and understanding. It is clear to see who would leave OIL a better place than what it was before them.

Looking strongly towards personal development and long term success of the amazing organization, it is in the opinion of this zero star that Hughes and Shirey would make the best candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor of OIL. Their leadership skills and compassion were admirably shown during the joint committee meeting today.

Remember to make a difference, and don’t let your voice be silent.