Twerk Up!!!

By Francesca Garbrah

This is not your average bill, but it deals with a very important issue that needs to be addressed. Twerking! That’s right. Twerking! The controversial dance has caused much confusion and debate. This particular issue has multiple sides to it, buwhat it comes down to are the benefits of this interesting dance…or does it.

Senator Dye, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, states, “Twerking should be considered as Physical Education in high schools.” She then goes on and describes the benefits of twerking, such as obesity prevention, a fun form of exercise, great for toning, strengthens muscles, and it’s something that the students can get excited for as well as increase overall physical wellness.

Arguments were raised saying that twerking is inappropriate, especially for children. The author then clarified that like in ballet the students don’t stand on their toes or spin around right at the start but rather work up to it as their bodies grow and develop. The same goes for twerking. Children aren’t going to be twerking in elementary school. Their bodies have to develop and at the high school age they will then participate in the physical workout of twerking.

“I think we should spread the physical exercise of twerking to middle schools and elementary schools,” states Senator Cole Cuzick. He argued that if the goal of adding twerking is to enhance physical education, then all schools and students in any grade should have the opportunity to do so.

There are possible injuries that can occur if you over twerk, but once you ponder that thought and exam it, you realize that there are many other sports that cause far more injuries than twerking, so the argument of injury due to over twerking is invalid.

 Senator Lee Scott states, “this bill is a hyenas act that discriminates against anyone who cannot twerk.” He further states that misappropriates the use of funds by proving twerk trained instructors.

Overall, we have seen different perspectives to this bill. Many disagree because of possible injury, inappropriateness, as well as the social danger that comes with it. Many agree because of the possible benefits it has, such as muscle strength, increase of participation in physical workout, as well as overall physical wellness. This bill ended up being passed in the Senate. Regardless of the decision, physical fitness in general is imperative for good health and is strongly recommended for every individual.

In the words of Senator Eva Dye, “Make your next work out, a twerk out”