Our Honorable Guests

By Journalist Alondra Perez (OU)

For the 1st session of the 55th Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature, Governor Evan Shaw invited the Honorable Chief Justice Rowe to be the guest speaker. Chief Justice Rowe came and spoke during Opening Joint and sparked fiery inspiration in all who attended. Justice Rowe worked hard in his youth to retire around the age of 20. He noted that to gain respect being so young in his field he made sure to show his commitment by attending every city council meeting. Every small job one does builds a reputation and can demand respect. After his speech, he made sure to create a mission for competitors to ponder during session by asking all competitors what they could do to make Oklahoma a better place. Attorney General Howell commented, “I really liked his emphasis on not needing to be in the legislature to make a difference”, adding on how Justice Rowe’s words will follow him after he leaves “I really liked the idea that I can still make a difference no matter what path I take in life. No job is insignificant”. When a competitor asked Justice Rowe, “What is one important skill you learned before you retired that you have carried with you your entire career” he responded with, “The most valuable skill anyone can learn is learning to communicate”. Justice Rowe elaborated on his experience by reminiscing on his youth days mowing lawns, “I used to make every lawn I owned look like a golf course” insinuating that no matter what you do in life, do your best in it. Individuals communicate through their quality of work. 

As an especially delightful surprise, OIL’s Governor Emeritus Emmit Thompson and Secretary of State Emeritus Jade Thompson made an appearance during Opening Joint. Unfortunately, the couple is unable to attend the upcoming Governor’s Gala but they are considering attending Joint Session on Sunday.