Make OIL Well Again

by Rebecca Campbell

Looking ragged and tired, Chief Justice Chase Maxwell accepted the invitation I extended to him to participate in an interview. Finding the time to interview him in between getting ready for session, expanding the Moot Court Competition, and running a campaign for the governorship was difficult.

As the Chief Justice and I Face Timed one another, he would have to excuse himself every few minutes to yawn before answering the question. His exhaustion was evident, but the fact that he was willing to be interviewed, showed just how approachable he is to everyone.

While those in the Moot Court competition might know him to be approachable, he may not be known that way for most people. As one Moot Court competitor said, “No matter what I needed, day or night, he would respond to my questions. And that was something that I found to be helpful so when I stood up to give my argument, I wasn’t as nervous as I could have been.” Maxwell has shown not only in that instance that he is dedicated to the organization, but also in his recruitment for the Moot Court competition.

The love and dedication that the Chief Justice has for this organization was clear. He wants to build the organization. And with an average star count of approximately 1.16 stars, the organization is in need of retaining members. Maxwell acknowledges and is appreciative all the hard work that the Director of Recruitment does, but it does not end with recruitment.

Retention is important to continue to make OIL well again. The Chief Justice has a record of expanding the organization with Moot Court, and he has been able to retain Moot Court competitors. In his tenure as Chief Justice, the competition has grown from eight to twenty-six competitors. Maxwell says, “I don’t do single digit. It’s unacceptable.” And he is correct. The chief justice has traveled extensively. Clearly, it has been useful in his hope of expanding the competition..

Chief Justice Maxwell is fully aware that it is not just up to the governor to help make OIL well again. That is part of the reason why he chose to run with Senator Preston Shatwell. Maxwell believes that their platforms are what is best for the organization not only for this next year, but for the next forty-eight years. They will help professionalize the organization and turn the focus to the delegations so that no matter the size, all delegations feel included. And that begins with the delegation chairs. Chief Justice Maxwell would like to have what he described as a summit for all delegation chairs to be able to be on the same page. Maxwell wants to help unify the different areas of OIL so that the delegations are better served.

The Chief Justice has served his role in the Supreme Court admirably well, and would like to be able to serve in the capacity of governor just as much, if not better. While some might say that he is too intense at times, that just relates back to how much he wants to see this organization that has helped him grow. He says, “I am so proud of this organization and the people in it. My passion is the people.” There can be no doubt that Chief Justice Chase Maxwell has the vision, the experience, and the passion to make OIL well again.