Attorney General

Jessica Reyna

The duties of the Attorney General Johnathan Naylor including acting as an advisor to the Governor when it comes to the signing of a bill. He determines the Constitutionality of a bill before it is signed. His opinion is seen as “law” or legally binding when it comes to the statutes or the Constitution of O.I.L itself. Attorney General Naylor is also in charge of the election commission, and handles the ballots. In a lawsuit, he represents the bill that is being sued, and defends its validity should the lawsuit reach the Supreme Court. When lawsuits are internal, then they reach him in one way or another. He works on some of the financial aspects of the organization such as budgeting the meals that delegates are provided. 

Unlike most Attorney Generals, he makes regular visits to both the Senate and House in order to get to know the members. He reminisced about the days he himself was a delegate and recalled his days as a senator.  Ironically, Naylor has spent more time in the House of Representatives, then he ever did when he was a Senator. It has been a personally goal to spend at least a few hours amongst the senators and representatives. The goal of the entire cabinet to be seen as available amongst the delegates because they are there to serve.

He was originally offered a position as Secretary of State by the then newly elected Governor Corey Shirey. Once he took the position he served up until a month ago, the position for Attorney General was then opened. The application was put out to the members in the organization to fill the position. He filled out the application as a joke because he did not think he was going to do it. The answers he used were in a humorous manner, had no intention of filling the role. As time went on, there were many discussions amongst the executive branch, and it was decided he was more suited for the role of the Attorney General. A letter of recommendation written by the former Attorney General (only the highest praises were sung of him).