Top 5 Things To Know For Session

By Journalist Kennedy Thomason (OSU)

This advice from older members is sure to help you on your way to success during session. 

  1. Know your parli pro

This tip might seem simple, but it is essential to the competition. Zero Stars may not be as familiar with the language, but they are sure to catch on before the competition is over. Parli pro is the basis for communication while in session. While the jargon might not make sense to an outsider, the language dictates the tone of procedure. Parli pro is necessary to know. 

  1. Listen to those around you

Older members are here to help. While OIL is a competition, many delegates are happy to help. The nature of the competition can be intimidating, but there are a lot of resources available. For freshmen, the freshmen liaisons are great resources. Representatives’ respective Delegation Chairs are another good stop for help. If you need immediate help, many older members are happy to lend advice on the floor.  

  1. Talk

Talking is crucial. It ties into networking, debating, socializing and many other aspects of session. New delegates might be apprehensive towards asking questions, making amendments or debating but that communication will only help your chances for success. Get involved and get to know the people around you. 

  1. Caffeinate

This practical piece of advice from older members is easy. The long days can wear delegates out, and caffeine is an easy solution. While drinks can’t be brought into chambers, the energy boosters can wait for delegates outside. Grab your hot or iced caffeine of choice, and enjoy your time at session. 

  1. Everyone is on the same playing field

It can be nerve wracking for new delegates to step into the bustling and strict world of OIL competition. However, you have to keep in mind that everyone is on the same playing field. While older delegates may have more experience, they are still sitting in the same room as you. Keep a positive and competitive mindset and enjoy the process.