Still Young at Heart

Sen. Young speaking to the delegates.

Jessica Reyna

Yesterday, Senator George Young inspired the delegates in joint session with his story, and his message. He recounted the struggle he had growing up during the time of segregation, and how the world is abundantly different from the one he grew up in. Young emphasized the capabilities each and every individual has, and why we should utilize it to make the world a better place. According to him, it is our moral commission to serve those around us for as long as we continue to breathe. The inner pastor broke through during his speech, and a sense of virtue rose up in the audience he spoke to. As he was speaking, the delegates were in a compelling agreement over putting the public welfare as a priority.  

He was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, and worked as a pastor for thirty years. He currently serves as the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus since he was elected in 2018. According to him, he had entered the game of politics in his more mature years, but he is still able to carry out his virtues either way. Despite his accomplishments, what he has achieved goes beyond politics and pastoral care. Young is a certified specialist in divorce and family issues. The senator has been recognized for his outstanding commitment to aiding the community, and has received the Good Citizen Award, and the Social Justice Award. Even today, Young is still continuously receiving awards because of his righteous deeds and strong character.