Every School Showing Off Their School Colors
In the back row, from left to right, Representative Hodson, Representative Young, Senator Fleschute, House Head Parliamentarian Abbi Lesnick , Senator Fenderson, and Senator Hurlbut. In the front row, left to right, Senator Boudreau, Representative/Journalist Landaverde, Attorney Adkins, Speaker Elect Pritzlaff, Attorney General Appointee Quintero, Baby Delegate Charlotte, Alumni (Rice) Rider, Representative/Journalist Hager, Representative Stelling , Secretary of State Martin House Assistant and Senator Belden from Oklahoma State University showing off their orange and black!
From left to right, Senator Harlan, Representative Lamb, and Senator Mallak from Northeastern State University representing with green!
From left to right, Senator Ruiz, Senator Gardner, Representative Gregory, and Senator Brooks in Oklahoma Baptist University’s green and gold!
Senator Deerdoff showing off Tulsa Community College’s blue and white!
From Tulsa University, left to right, Senators Carter, Williams, and Shaw with Representatives Pullen, Williams, and Thomason in gold and blue!
Left to right, Representative Sarfo, Senator Von Atzigen, and Representative Beal in Oklahoma Robert University’s gold and blue!
From the University of Oklahoma, left to right, President Pro Tempore Curtis, Representative Perez, Senator Waheed, Representative Landry, and Deputy President Pro Tempore Parker in crimson and cream!
Senator Gilmore From Southeastern University in blue and gold!
Representative Florence from Langston University!