Roadhouse + Runners = Road Runners: A Look at Legislation for a Victory Lap

By Destiny A. Murphy (ORU) 

Most bills that are heard and passed in the House of Representatives can often carry a very deliberate and weighty tone. A tone that signifies all seriousness, and little to no humor. Although it is not the first or only amusing bill to be read in the House of Representatives, Bill No. OSU 501 authored by Representative Stelling did not fail to produce a light-hearted effect and fun flair. Initially known as the “Running and Roadhouse” Act of 2022, the bill requires representatives to walk to the main floor of the fourth floor and take a victory lap. Initially, delegates would have been rewarded one basket of Roadhouse rolls and would be allowed two minutes to consume the bread before the remaining Orders of the Day would be conducted. 

However, during the House proceedings, there would be many amendments proposed. One being the “BYOB” (Bring Your Own Bread) Amendment which would allow delegates to bring their own bread, so that persons would have the freedom of choosing bread of any kind.. The amendment also allows representatives to receive a bottle of water.

When questioned on the intent of the bill, the author indicated that the bill was inspired by a personal craving for Texas Roadhouse Bread while sitting in a library, prior to the 1st Session of the 54th Legislature of O.I.L. This was also the reason why she opted out of choosing bread from a more superior restaurant. 

Additionally, when posed the question by a fellow representative regarding what would happen in the case of O.I.L. not being hosted at The Oklahoma Capitol for the victory lap to ensue, the author indicated that she would first confirm the location of O.I.L. with the Lieutenant Governor. Secondly, she would gain access to a map to familiarize herself with the allocated area to ensure safety and lastly, she would visit the site. 

Overall, Bill No. OSU-501, would accept three friendly amendments from The House but would pass two hostile amendments. Through an amendment, the bill’s name was changed to the “Running and Bring Your Own Bread” Act of 2o22 and it was tabled indefinitely.