Opening Session from a Zero Star’s Perspective

By Journalist Stephanie Landaverde (OSU)

The first session of the 54th Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature is here. Ten universities joined together and brought 37 zero stars. 

Lucy Villasis, a zero star from ORU, came into Opening Session with no expectations.

“I thought it was really cool how on one side they can be very serious but on the other side they are very easygoing and open to explaining everything, especially to people who are brand new,” Villasis said. 

Villasis was nervous when she first arrived but feels more confident and relaxed after Opening Session. 

Caden Jolliff, a zero star from TU, came in with the expectation that OIL would be serious and scary. 

“Everyone’s really nice, I’ve talked to a lot of people,” Jolliff said. “Everyone’s been really friendly and I’ve been understanding way more than I expected to.”

Callie Gray, a zero star from OSU, was also nervous about Session. She says the guest speaker helped alleviate her nervousness and got her excited for Session. 

“I think I was more nervous than excited,” Gray said. “More dreading, like ‘let’s just get this over with.’”

Gray realized she can have fun at Session because the delegation, while serious about its bills, has fun with it.

For Jacob Martin, a zero star from NWOSU, Opening Session was what he was expecting. 

“It was pretty formal and I thought it did a good job of introducing what OIL was and what we’d be doing,” Martin said.