Opening Day

By Journalist Kaytly Clift (OSU)

The gavel officially dropped on the opening day of the 55th session of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature (OIL)! The capitol was booming with eager legislators of all-stars ready to compete for their delegation as well as their own spot on the award list! The Spring session of the 55th Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature Mock Government competition officially started at 1:30 pm with registration. All delegates checked in and then awaited the other schools to arrive. 

After the check-in time expired, orientation started for the Press Corps, and the Moot Court, and introductions were made throughout the rooms. Although OIL is a competition, the friendships that are made within the competitions are strong, and the orientations are the start of most of these bonds. At around 5 pm, the largest competitions joined for their orientation. Although the chambers are usually filled with diligent caucusing, it was filled with laughter and greetings. 

After every competition was introduced to each other in their respective orientations, the long-awaited joint session began. This was the first official session of the 55th OIL competition. After the joint session concluded, it was time for the legislative committees to meet and go over their roles for the next few days. 

After the meetings were over, the mass of legislators moved to the hotel where the candidate press conference and dinner were being held. The press conference started with the Senate positions. They had an introduction, then moved into questions asked by the Press Corps. After some great responses, it was time for the House positions. It started with more introductions, and then, just like before, ended with questions. Then for the final group of candidates, it was time for the Lieutenant Governor, and Governor candidates to talk. Just like the other two groups, it started with short introductions and finished with questions not only asked by the Press Corps but the delegates as well. 

After the press conference concluded and the delegates ate the much-needed food, everybody dispersed for the night. Most spent their downtime preparing their materials for the next day, while some spent time eating the famous candy salad that was being brought around.