OIL Opening Session

Trevor Fogleman (OSU)

The official Fall 2020 O.I.L session has kicked off in a very different manner than in years past and we all know the reason why. A global pandemic has made gathering in large groups a dangerous thing to do, forcing us all to conduct session online. This new style of session has brought with it new challenges, however the FamOILy has put its best foot forward in creating a unique and valuable experience once again.

Open session’s introductory video, featuring our very own Gov. Lacey Hickey and Press Secretary Kelsey Briggs, brought our sobering reality to the attention of the congregation. However, no one was disappointed as events continued on in a smooth manner in the welcoming atmosphere of a new session. A few minor technical difficulties were had along the way, such as feedback coming through the mic of some executive members as they tried to proceed in an orderly fashion.

Gov. Hickey was up next, delivering a speech that acknowledged the current situation of Oklahoma, our universities, and the world at large. Briggs urged the congregation to continue to strive for their best in their session experience even in a virtual landscape, proposing that all of the wonderful late nights of research, debate, and camaraderie felt by delegates in any other year are all possible again with a little ingenuity and determination. Hickey also highlighted the particularly amazing time it is to be alive and to be a participant in the political process, listing multiple prominent problems in society that have been starkly revealed by the way 2020 has gone. Finally, Hickey spoke of division in her own life and the lives of many Americans at this very moment, and encouraged the congregation to sow the seeds of unity and a responsibility to something greater than ourselves.

This opening session and this year in general was not what anyone planned, but we are being shown everyday that our perseverance keeps the world turning. With the coming days of debate and winners and losers we’re all still going to have that quality O.I.L. experience, and maybe have just a little fun too.