Joe Hartman

By Journalist Hager (OSU)

The second session of the 53rd Legislature of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature began with a joint session of both the Senate and the House of Representatives, with Guest Speaker Joe Hartman. Hartman is a political consultant who has traveled extensively around the southern United States. He is a former member of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature and a graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma. While in OIL, Hartman talked about his experiences and the goals he made for himself.

Hartman aspired to be named best freshman, but when he didn’t win, he established a goal for himself to be named best delegate. With his interest in politics and passing policies, Hartman spent many years in OIL. Hartman also aspired to be an officer, but no matter which office he campaigned for, he could never seem to earn the necessary number of votes to be elected. He ran for Speaker of the House and Speaker Pro Tempore, but failed to win. However, at the 40th anniversary of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature, Hartman was elected Governor of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature with 76 percent of the vote. Hartman said he still remains in touch with the connections and people he met during his many years at OIL after all these years. Hartman reminded the delegates that this week is not primarily about the passing of bills, but he wants them to remember to make those connections.

He reminds them that these bonds could help them way into the future and they might even become lifelong friends!