How to caucus over Zoom

Piper Reese (OSU)

(Delegates during the Opening Joint session of the 52nd Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature)

Within Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature, the only way to voice opinions and get a better understanding of bills is by caucusing with other delegates.

With the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 and our first virtual Session, delegates must now caucus via Zoom in breakout sessions. It may seem a little awkward initially because you’re talking to a screen of floating heads, it’s easier to interrupt one another, people may not engage as much, and technical difficulties may arise.

Don’t fret! There is still a way to successfully and effectively caucus in Zoom. Here are a few tips to help you survive your first virtual Session!

Ask questions

One of the best ways to get people to talk is by asking questions. Don’t understand something in the bill? Ask how other delegates interpret the legislation. Are you wondering how delegates feel about the bill? Ask everyone in your breakout group how they’re voting and why. This will get the conversation flowing and before you know it, your caucus will be so rowdy that the chair needs to gavel you down (virtually, of course).

Give your opinion

If no one is talking and things are idle, stir it up by voicing your opinion. It may even bring up viewpoints you didn’t think about. This could also lead to debate if delegates feel strongly about the bill!

Go to different breakout rooms

This may seem super simple, but some delegates, especially 0-stars, may have a tough time coming out of their comfort zone and may not want to leave the breakout room they’re in, and that’s ok! Move around breakout rooms and talk to as many people as possible! Hearing other viewpoints is a great way to not only form your opinions but to hear how others see the bill.

Private messaging

Do you not feel comfortable talking out loud? That’s fine! You’re able to private message anyone in your breakout room to caucus. If you can’t turn your mic on because of noises around you, private messaging can come in handy!

With these tips, you will be a caucusing pro in zoom, no matter what chamber you’re in! Just remember everyone is learning how to navigate caucusing over Zoom. It may not be perfect, but speaking up and getting out there will help you be the best delegate you can be.