Green Space Galore

By Journalist Trever Friesen (OSU).

Representative Wyatt Moore (OSU) presenting his bill (OSU-540) in the House of Representative

A whole new meaning to “get some air”; it’s about time the citizens of Oklahoma get some green. 

Saturday afternoon, April 1st, House Representative Wyatt Moore (OSU) presented their bill “OSU-540”, “an act relating to green spaces” in the House of Representatives. 

The bill focused on increasing the “urban green space” count, creating an essential people-to-green space ratio. Moore expressed his sincere passion for the bill and its purpose, that of all generations, societal status, and location specifications. 

Representative Jacob Castro (OSU) expressed his admiration and concern for the bill, questioning the “feasibility in growing cities such as Oklahoma City and Tulsa”. 

Among these common concerns, were continually pressing questions over the bill’s lack of a “Penalties” section. Author Moore backed up his reasons for this by noting that “this bill instructs cities to do this (create sed “urban green spaces”) and not corporations. Believing in the coercement of the law’s passing, Moore believed this would still entice enough, especially in opposition to that of the “impossibly predictable ever-changing population”.

Unsurprisingly, the bill was an incredible vessel for action. A total of five friendly amendments were proposed in total, all of which were accepted. When questioned after, Moore appreciated the many additions to the bill, thankful “simply to continue making the bill better”.

And it was not just Moore who appreciated the additions, Representative Betheline Sarfo (ORU) was incredibly thankful for both of her amendments (Friendly Amendment #1 & #2) passing. Simply adding clarity through both her efforts, Sarfo and Moore instantly agreed upon the additions for the sake of overall bill improvement. 

Through lengthy deliberation and questioning, the bill passed with a total of 40 votes in the affirmative and a mere 4 votes in the negative. Thankful for his first opportunity to present a bill on the dais, author Moore could not help but smile and embrace a hug in a moment of joy with his House of Representatives coach: Karlene Stelling (OSU).