getting the band back together

Becca Yanez (OU)

Delegates have re-connected in person for the first time in two years.

On November 10, 2021, the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature (O.I.L.) gaveled in for the 1st session of the 53rd annual session in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. 

House delegates who have yet to experience an in-person session anxiously await in their seats and practice the “special house clap” taught by Speaker Pro Tempore Minter. As the senate delegates entered, delegates gradually became more comfortable with the house clap. By the time Governor Barnett had stepped into the room, the room was once again lively as it once was. 

Governor Barnett virtually welcomed guest speaker Oklahoma State Senator Carri Hicks. Senator Hicks represents district 40 as a Democrat. She smiled as she reminisced about her time as a house delegate representing Oklahoma City University and compared that experience to her current position of representing a super minority party in the state legislature. Despite the technological blips, the body was excited and engaged throughout her speech. 

Shortly after this, the chambers split and got to work as committees. Delegates expected a pretty simple next couple of hours; find your committee, look for errors in assigned bills for said committees, and leave once completed. However, the next couple of hours would not be that simple. As some committees were on their last couple of bills, phones began buzzing; there was a tornado warning for their area. Eventually, both chambers had to evacuate from their chambers. Leadership instructed delegates to remain on the bottom floor of the hotel. Speaker Pro Tempore and President Pro Tempore quickly began taking roll to ensure all participants were present. 

Within minutes, the warnings had ceased, and O.I.L. resumed business as usual. The Senate adjourned early due to the forced evacuation, whereas the house had committees finish their remaining bills. At 9 PM, O.I.L. had a group Pitch Perfect screening. 

The first evening showed that despite any obstacles, virtual or not, this organization will always continue to be a productive and fun environment.