Fun things to do to pass the time between sessions

Gabrielle Farringer (TCC)

        It is that time again. Time for the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature (O.I.L.) Fall Congress. In this time of COVID-19, attendees might be wondering what to do in between sessions. Here are some great time wasters to make the time go faster.  

*Take time to catch up on some reading. Spend time reading something that is not school related, but something beneficial to mental well-being. It can be something enlightening or just something for fun.  

        *Have a DIY self-care time.  Use this time to have an at-home facial, mani-pedi, or other spa treatment. There are lots of fun face masks which are easy application and removal.  

        *Take a walk in a local park or nature attraction to clear the mind for the next session. Alternatively, take an online fitness class via YouTube or on Zoom.  

*Check out social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok.  

*Use this time to get to know other delegates by chatting virtually with those in social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook or social networking apps like GroupMe. It can be fun to find that others may have similar interests or majors.  

*Write in a journal about the experience. Journaling can be a great way to get frustrations and feelings out in a healthy and safe way.  

*Catch up on a favorite television show through a streaming service such as Hulu, YouTube TV, or Netflix. These platforms include shows that are on demand and include great programs like the Mandalorian. 

Whatever delegates decide to do during their down time, make sure it is fun and is beneficial to their mental and physical wellness. It is also important to enjoy the sessions and make it a great learning experience. So have a great session and welcome to O.I.L. Fall Session.