By Journalist Alexandria Willard (OSU)
Saturday afternoon during session, the Oklahoma State Cowboys were set to play the University of Houston Cougars. Some of the House delegates were caught watching the game on their laptops, because they simply could not help themselves considering the nail-biting season OSU has had this year.
Gray (OSU) said, “I’m currently keeping up with the score of the game because football is very important right now. I watched one play and Bowman threw a pick and I had to walk away. I wouldn’t say it is more important, they both hold a very high regard in my life, I love watching football and never want to miss an OSU football game even if I am here in the House.”

Bishop (OSU) said, “Right now we are establishing a temporary quorum while watching the OSU .vs. Houston football game.” When asked if OSU Football was more important than session, she said, “I’m getting nods from the delegates around me, but I will say session is important, however a little bit of college football helps get through some very long afternoons.”
What did the delegates say they’d do if OSU won? Gray said, “Probably do an on information to let everyone know osu has won yet another game.” Bishop said, “I think it would be good grounds to sing the alma-motor.”
Is it right to allow these delegates to be able to watch football during session? Although it is funny to some, what would the citizens of Oklahoma say if they found their representatives watching football while sitting in on serious matters affecting the state?
This issue is dismissible considering Oklahoma State did end up winning the game, and is still in the running for the Big XII championship, but would we treat another school with the same turning of the cheek? Would OU fans be okay with OSU fans watching the game and them not being allowed to?