First Gentleman of O.I.L., Zach Bonham

Catherine Hensley (OU)

Rep. Zach Bonham from Oklahoma State University is proud to bear the title “First Gentleman of O.I.L.” 

Governor Lacey Hickey and Rep. Bonham are engaged and plan to be married in the next couple of years. 

With the help of his future-sister-in-law Jessie Hickey, Rep. Bonham had a romantic proposal. While Rep. Bonham took Governor Hickey on a dinner date, Jessie set up a proposal-perfect scene with candles leading to the backyard and pictures of the couple displayed. Rep. Bonham proposed to Governor Hickey, and she said yes! The couple then celebrated their engagement with their family and friends. 

Rep. Bonham met the love of his life, Governor Hickey, at an O.I.L. meeting their second semester of freshman year. Mutual friends set them up together, and they made their relationship official in March that year. They have been together ever since. 

Governor Hickey and Rep. Bonham do not normally spend much time together at session because Governor Hickey has traditionally served on O.I.L. leadership. Despite their time apart during sessions, Rep. Bonham supports Governor Hickey in all of her ventures. 

“When she won her Lieutenant Governor race, we were both super excited,” said Rep. Bonham. “I know she worked really hard to win that election.”  

Rep. Bonham is currently working towards his marketing degree with a minor in political science, and he is a five-star-member of O.I.L. Aside from O.I.L., he is also involved in Kappa Alpha Order at OSU. 

He recalls his first time in the House chamber at the State Capital as his favorite O.I.L. memory. 

“I remember just sitting at the desk staring at the beautiful ceiling thinking ‘wow, this is the same chair as the people who influence our state and sometimes the country sits on,’” Rep. Bonham said. 

Rep. Bonham said First Gentleman of O.I.L. does not hold “any real power,” but he finds it fun and exciting. 

O.I.L. is fortunate to have a well-serving First Gentleman.