Can You Go Wrong with Bread?

Can You Go Wrong With Bread? House Bill No. OSU-501

By Journalist Amaya Brooks(OBU)

Representative Stelling, a seasoned four star to the House from OSU, brought a delightful and light-hearted bill to the House this afternoon. OSU-501 is a piece of internal legislation and would “create a system of celebrations for the House after passing a bill.”

Anyone who has had the interesting privilege of being in the House upon their passage of a bill is well aware of their time honored tradition of singing the chorus of “Oklahoma.” This off key celebration causes many wide eyed looks towards the House, but they remain strong in their tradition. According to Representative Stelling, her goal with this bill is to “spice it up.”

The celebration she proposes would consist of, upon the passage of any bill in the House, members of the House of Representatives would take a lap around the rotunda of the capitol. “Before entering the doors, they will be given a basket of two Roadhouse Rolls before getting back into debating bills.” 

Representative Stelling’s heart behind this joke bill is a desire to increase activity within session and to provide a yummy snack for Representatives. “I love to exercise and I also love bread, so why not put two things I love and put them into one bill.” 

When asked about potential objections, Representative Stelling said, “When I presented this bill in my home delegation, the biggest opposition was that I was jipping people of bread by not giving them a full four count.” 

Representative Villasis(ORU) presents another objection to this nearly perfectly jovial House bill. “At first I was like, ok, I’m not really a huge exercise person, but then I saw that you have to pay for your own bread after exercising? I don’t like that part, it should be free.” 

Representative Wadley(OU) also presents valid concerns, saying “I really love the bill, however the author was not in favor of allowing members to bring their own bread, such as Cane’s texas toast, which is a personal favorite of mine.”