Rebecca Yanez (OU)
In light of COVID-19, the Oklahoma Intercollegiate legislature (O.I.L) has moved both sessions of the 52nd year of O.I.L to a fully virtual platform. Delegation chair from the University of Oklahoma, Rep. Kayla Gillespie, shared her experiences being a graduating senior partaking in session for the last time.
“I think it is a little harder to stay engaged and to stay motivated to be engaged in all of the proceedings of the house,” said Gillespie upon reflecting the hardships that have come with a virtual session.
Gillespie went on to describe the things she has missed from competing in person that she does not feel a virtual session could replicate.
“I miss the greater sense of camaraderie and getting to hang out with my oil session friends a lot,” said Gillespie.
When asked about whether she felt her delegation was well-prepared for a virtual session, she responded that having delegation meetings online has helped newer members become familiar with the Zoom dynamics and how to navigate parliamentary procedure online.
“I know a little more on what to expect now of how things are going to run, and that makes me feel more prepared in general, and I feel more ready to be active and engaged and help my delegates be active and engaged,” Gillespie said when asked of what her biggest takeaways were from the first virtual session that helped make the second virtual session an easier experience.
Gillespie concluded with advice for seniors who would be entering session for the last time as well as freshman who have never had an in person session before.
“ ….be grateful for what we did have. I try to remember that myself. I could have been one of those people graduating last year that thought they were going to have a last session only for it to be stripped away from them three weeks before. I’m glad I’m going out knowing how I’m going out” Gillespie said. “(Freshman) Just keep holding on, it’s worth it–I promise. You’re going to be so excited once you get to that point (an in-person session).”
Overall, this year’s session is certainly going to draw heart strings, but it is competitors like Kayla Gillespie who become a light to delegate’s lives during and inspire others to be better leaders.