A One-On-One with Delegate Chair Sarfo, Rep. Sarfo: A Notable Leader in Today’s Time

By Journalist Destiny A. Murphy (ORU) 

Meet O.I.L. Representative Betheline Sarfo, a 7-star delegate, presently serving as Delegate Chair of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature Club at Oral Roberts University, where she is currently a senior majoring in International Relations. Highly regarded for her strong leadership skills and sense of vision, Betheline attributes much of her growth and confidence to her participation in OIL over the years. In a one-on-one interview with Delegate Chair Sarfo, she indicated that she has grown a lot through the process and has become firm in her beliefs. 

Sarfo became a part of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature during her Freshman year of college in which a then OIL Chief Justice and avid debater invited her to become a part of both OIL and The Debate Club. However, among the two, it would be OIL that she would find a special love for. A love that is still very much alive today. 

During a walk down memory lane with her, she indicated that some of the most memorable moments and achievements that she can recall with OIL. is her university’s delegation winning Best Legislation in the House, Best Legislation in the Senate, Best Freshman in the House and Best Freshman in the Senate at respective sessions. It is achievements such as these that have made her eager to see her delegation grow in the capacity of leadership. 

Following the completion of her Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations next Spring, Delegate Chair Sarfo intends to return to Dallas, Texas and take a gap year. However, in the near future, she plans to live abroad short-term to gain international experience, with the hope that it will lead her to a career in International Relations. 

When she is not busy with college assignments, leading in the capacity of Delegate Chair or any of her other roles or responsibilities, she simply enjoys watching and being a part of musicals. She expressed a deep love for this form of art, and also indicated that she plays the violin. In her spare time, you can also find her watching movies or reading books, but most importantly, she can be found cheering on her team.