A Guide to a Virtual Session

Becca Yanez (OU)

      Traditionally, session has been known to be a lively gathering where students from across the state of Oklahoma gather to discuss policies and issues they most deeply care about. However, with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, all large gatherings have been put to a halt; Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature is no exception to these regulations. 

All of us are over zoom, but with these tips, delegates can find pockets of comfort during these dark times. 

  2. Drinking water is an important asset of maintaining our health and wellness. However, with hours upon hours of screen time, it can become easy to neglect our basic needs. Bringing water bottles into the room you are zooming in from is a must. Your throat-and everyone else-will thank you for it. 
  3. Give yourself breaks 
  4. Let’s face it, O.I.L sessions are intense. However, virtual session can often feel even more draining since many delegates are confined to rather small spaces for several hours. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, in pain, or generally feeling a sense of discomfort, it is okay and even encouraged to take a moment to move around and unwind. 
  5. Participate in themed fashion days!
  6. Just as delegates would in session, many have planned their outfits for the week in accordance to the various themes; 

Wednesday- SPRING into session

Thursday- Hat Day!

Friday- School Spirit Day

Saturday- Twin Day

Sunday- Your “Sunday Best” 

Participating is a great way to connect with others and look good doing it! 

  1. Request good music
  2. If the chairperson is playing music, as Speaker Schultz often does before the house’s orders of business are conducted, request your favorite tunes to be played! It will make for an awesome dance party, and a great de-stresser during the day. 
  3. Support your fellow delegates
  4. More often than not, virtual events can feel rather isolating. There are many small ways you can support your peers, who in turn will support you too. It can range from giving them a call during lunch to sending them an encouraging DM over zoom to even using the reactions feature on zoom (if allowed) . Kindness is crucial, and can really make or break a person’s experience at session, virtual or not. 

    With the challenges that come with a virtual session, it is important to find joy in the smaller things, just as the entirety of this pandemic has taught us this past year.