Opening Session

Zimmerman (OU)

Joint-opening session of the second session of the 53rd Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature was a success. 

Although delegates are looking forward to spending Saturday and Sunday at the capitol building, the opening joint session was held at the India Shrine Center. Those who arrived early enjoyed their time exploring the respective house and senate chambers. The senate chamber is fully equipped with a disco ball. 

After a relatively short search, Gov. Barnett was discovered hiding in a closet upstairs. He was escorted into the house chamber, and he delivered a speech welcoming the house, senate, supreme court, and executive branch to session. 

Gov. Barnett shared some of his favorite parts of session and encouraged delegates to remember the reasons they chose to attend. 

Next, Gov. Barnett introduced this year’s guest speaker, Joe Hartman. Hartman appeared live and in person, unlike last session when severe weather forced the guest speaker to attend via Zoom. 

“(Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature is) the most important organization I’ve ever been part of in my life,” Hartman said. 

Hartman, a former O.I.L. governor, talked about the value of the relationships he formed in the organization. This helped remind delegates of one of the most valuable aspects of O.I.L. 

Candidate nominations were the final order of business for joint session. Emmett Thompson was nominated for governor. No other nominations were made, so Thompson was declared the next governor of O.I.L.

Two candidates were nominated for lieutenant governor. Grace Minter said as lieutenant governor she will foster an environment for building relationships and strengthening community. Kayla Rawson said she will focus on accessibility, dialogue, and service. 

Soon enough, joint session was adjourned. The second session of the 53rd Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature has officially begun!