OIL Fashion Update: Back in Time

OIL Fashion Update: Back in Time

Jessica Zimmerman (OU) November 13, 2021

It is already Saturday. The 53rd session of OIL is flying by. Today, delegates took a trip back in time. The theme of the day was 70s and 80s outfits. In both the Senate and the House of Representatives, retro outfits brought bright splashes of color and pattern into both OIL chambers. 

Senate delegates act like they like each other despite objections that they do not.
House of Representative delegates try to figure out what a “retro pose” is.

Many of the day’s clothing items had very interesting stories behind them. Sen. Alaura Gilmore (SE) wore a bright green skirt.

“My outfit is from my aunt from the 70s,” she said.

Rep. Renner Howell, on the other hand, had no idea where his outfit came from. He can be seen in the blue mask wearing a leather jacket. 

“I did not know I had it,” Howell said. “I just found it in my closet this morning.”

The jacket is truly a mystery. Howell has no idea how it ended up in his closet. It is not even something he believes his parents would have worn.

Rep. Rachel Gibbs (OSU) went out in search of the perfect retro outfit.

“I went to Goodwill. It was only like $5,” she said. “I was going through the isle then I saw it. Then I saw the shoulder pads.”

It was meant to be.

Sen. Jonica King (TCC) had a bright pink suit.

“I think I’ve owned this since the 90s,” she said.

Hopefully, today’s outfits would meet the approval of delegates who attended OIL back in the day!