The First Session of the Fifty-Third Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature

Haliyma Clay (ORU)
November 10th, 2021

The First Session of the Fifty-Third Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature had its first day of session on November 10th, 2021, and it was a momentous occasion for seasoned house and senate members because this is the first session since the start of COVID-19 that was able to meet in person. It was incredibly emotional for newly appointed Governor Nathan Barnett, who gave a moving speech of hope and resilience to open the First Session of the Fifty-Third Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature, leaving the Governor teary-eyed as he exited the podium. While waiting for Lieutenant Governor Kurt LeVan to join the joint session, the speaker of the house, Ashley Schultz, entertained the joint session by asking representatives and senators to tell dad jokes as they waited for the executive members to arrive at the joint session, and they celebrated Representative Kallie Quintero’s twenty-first birthday by giving her a clapping ovation. Senator Carri Hicks was invited as a guest speaker for the joint session, but unfortunately, due to bad weather conditions, Senator Hicks zoomed in and could not talk with the joint session in person. However, her speech lit a fire in everyone’s hearts because she told her story of how she got interested in Government by attending O.I.L. and talked about her path to obtaining a senate seat and the realities of balancing motherhood and working two jobs. When the joint session was over, and everyone broke out into different committees to go over bills, the look on everyone’s faces was excitement, determination and everyone was ready to get to work.