Party Voting

Becca Yanez (OU)     

On the final day of the fully virtual 2nd session of the 52nd year of Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature, University of Oklahoma delegate Representative Hannah Bigbee, a one star delegate and senior wrote OU-506 “Independent Voter” Act of 2021. The bill aimed at ensuring parties could no longer select who gets to vote in their primaries and allows for Independants to be able to cast their vote at one party’s primary of their choosing per election. When asked why Bigbee wrote this bill, she recounted on her experiences as an election worker.

   “I have had to turn people away, even though the goal of my position is not to turn people to vote, there have been so many times where I have had to explain to people why their spouse who may be a Democrat or Republican can vote in their party’s primary but not them,” Bigbee said. “I wrote this bill so that parties no longer get to decide who votes in their primaries, I really don’t think that should be a function of a party. We should get to decide that.” 

   The House Chamber did not have a strong opposition against the bill. However, Bigbee was satisfied with the discussions surrounding the bill. She believed that it was productive and it allowed her to garner different perspectives on the matter. Bigbee hopes that the senate will also see the good that this bill will have on our Democracy but that even if it does not pass she looks forward to the discussion that can come about this bill in the senate. Election work is important to Bigbee, and she is glad to have joined O.I.L., even if it was only for a year and virtual. Bigbee has submitted multiple bills this session, and is thankful to have this one heard in the house today. 

    The Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature prides itself on discussions that go beyond partisan politics and political debates, it is a place where delegates unite as people. To Bigbee, this bill exemplified that very aspect of this organization. To the house, it was a unifying bill.