Five things to do while waiting for your zoom session to start

Piper Reese (OSU)

With the “new normal,” of doing everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) online or through Zoom, there may be some downtime between joint sessions and hearing of bills. To keep yourself occupied, here are five things to do while waiting for your zoom session for the 52nd Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature.

Close your screen

Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time can put a strain on your eyes AND brain. If you can, take at least a 5-10 minute break from your computer and grab yourself some water.

Look over bills and research

This is a great time to start looking at the different bills being presented throughout the day. This will get you a head start on caucusing and being able to know more about the bill being presented. You can even start to draft up potential questions for the author or draft up some friendly amendments to add to the bill.

Listen to some music

Relaxing and listening to your favorite playlist can always help you regroup and get yourself together. Whatever gets you pumped up, mellow out, gets you motivated to power through the session, listen to your music.

Catch some ZZZs

Staring at a computer screen all day can be draining. There’s a chance for delegates to nod off during the session. Make sure to get enough sleep at night, and even when there are weird gaps, you could even take a nap. Even if it’s only a five-minute nap, those five minutes will make the difference.

Get the blood flowing

You’re sitting, staring at a screen for hours on hours throughout the day. When you have breaks, stretch your arms, go take a walk and get the blood flowing back into your limbs so that they don’t fall asleep.