Q&A Session with Speaker Pro Tempore Jessie Hickey

Piper Reese

Speaker Pro Tempore Jessie Hickey is a 12-star delegate who has been with O.I.L since 2014. I got the chance to meet with Speaker Pro Tempore and ask her some questions about her experiences in O.I.L throughout the years and a little bit about her personal life.

What are you studying?

Speaker Pro Tempore: I’m currently masters student in educational leadership college student development.

What is your hometown?

Speaker Pro Tempore: I’m from Roosevelt, New Jersey.

Why did you join O.I.L?

Speaker Pro Tempore: I joined O.I.L because of my orientation leader, Kaelyne Wietelman, who happened to be the O.I.L delegation chair back in 2014. She encouraged me to join and ultimately I fell in love with the organization.

I understand that Lt. Gov. Hickey is your sister. How does it fell to have your sister with you during each session?

Speaker Pro Tempore: I absolutely love the fact that my sister is in this organization. We have so much passion for O.I.L and Lacey makes me so proud every single day with all that she does as the lieutenant governor.

What’s been your favorite part of O.I.L?

Speaker Pro Tempore: My favorite part about O.I.L.  is the friendships I’ve made across this organization, the state and the country. Friends like Governor Corey Shirey and Speaker Andrew LaFramboise.

What’s been your proudest moment in O.I.L?

Speaker Pro Tempore: I am torn between two proud moments. The first being the author of the freshman bill my very first semester in O.I.L. The second proudest moment was when Lacey got elected lieutenant governor.

How has this session of O.I.L compare to previous sessions you’ve attended?

Speaker Pro Tempore: This session has been amazing compared to others because of the amazing leadership on the board of directors, steering committee and the house leadership team.

Do you want to say anything else about O.I.L?

Speaker Pro Tempore: O.I.L has been my home for so long. The friends I’ve made here have turned into family.