6 Things to Do at Session When You’re Not Caucusing

Let’s be honest with ourselves and admit that not all of us are useful. There’s going to be a bill that you have no response to, whether you are in the proponency or the opponency. In those times, give yourself a mental break and relax by doing one of these activities.

  • Walk around the Capitol Building

There’s so much construction going on that this activity might be hard to fully implement. Nevertheless, walking around the building and going to various sites such as the gift shop on the ground floor, the hallways under construction and the family bathroom will all give you some sort of peace of mind.

  • Make a TikTok video

This is something that even the press corp has been experimenting with recently. Simply grab some other delegates and reenact some of your favorite videos or make a dance to a song you like! If you don’t have friends, just lock yourself in the only family restroom in the Capitol Building and give yourself a few minutes to rehearse the dance before filming the TikTok video. Bonus points if you just make a music video to Kesha’s acclaimed class “TiK ToK”

  • Exercise

The only way to make “Hot Girl Summer” last all year long is to keep yourself at your healthiest and happiest self. One easy way to keep your legs from getting stiff is by using the stairs instead of the elevator! If you want to avoid climbing four or five flights of stairs, you can do some squats in the hallway! Even getting up and stretching your limbs is enough to keep yourself limber and feeling better. Your body is a temple, so be sure to treat it as such!

  • Grab a Snack or a Drink

If you’re feeling run-down and tired, you might need a quick salty snack to boost your brain! Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Take Pictures With Friends, Both Old and New

“O.I.L. Session moves by pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it” – Ferris Bueller, probably

Don’t forget to take pictures of friends you meet along the way. Take five or 10 minutes to relax and goof off with your other delegates. This will ease the tension between other universities and create stronger bonds between you all!

  • Netflix & Actually Chill

No, definitely not in that way! Please give yourself a nice 20-minute episode of your favorite TV show if you need a mental break from all the caucusing. You will be at the Capitol Building for 10 hours or more, so it’s important to watch something you enjoy. Disney+ is officially out and I bet there’s a delegate or two out there with a log-in code!