The Freshman Bill 

By: Journalist Kaytly Clift (OSU)

The House of Representatives chamber gaveled back into session with the Freshman bill. This bill was written by a zero-star delegate in the House of Representatives, and the delegation consists of zero- and one-star members. This freshman bill is included in the orders of the day to give lower star delegates an opportunity to learn how to make motions, make amendments and let them interact with other members of their star count. 

Rep. Ritsema (OBU) brought this piece of legislation, OBU-505, titled, “Properly Educate Weapons’ Personal Employment and Welfare,” which is a bill recommending school districts include firearm safety classes into their curriculum. 

“The second amendment, whether you like it or you don’t, guns are still a really real thing in our society, and I think it is important that people understand how to be around weapons and be safe about it, whether they are holding it or just around one,” Rep. Ritsema (OSU) said. “This is also important for kids, if their parents have guns or if a friend’s parents have guns, then they need to know how to be safe around that.”

“Public schools in the state of Oklahoma shall offer courses on firearm safety,” the bill said.

With the courses being in public schools, the classes will be conducted off-campus to ensure that no laws are broken.

“The State Department of Education shall develop and make available public schools resources related to implementing gun courses with grade-appropriate instruction; develop and implement high-quality professional learning opportunities for gun course teachers; and develop and implement high-quality professional learning opportunities for gun course teachers by CLEET certified instructors with official firearm licenses through the State of Oklahoma,” the bill said. 

“This is a bill that is coming up in real legislation in Oklahoma this year,” Rep. Ritsema (OSU) said.

Although this bill was tabled because of some clerical issues, the bill will go through the committee before it can be brought back to the House floor.