OSU-010 (Senator Smith)

By Journalist Sydney White (SE)

Should we use Psilocybin Mushrooms?

Senator Smith had created a bill dealing with the legalization and study of Psilocybin mushrooms. The bill goes into great detail of establishing a Natural Medicine Advisory Board to oversee the operation as well as establishing a method of research. The bill sought to legalize psilocybin mushrooms (especially for medical purposes) in order to study and familiarize our medical experts with their potential benefits. With 14 in the affirmative, five in the negative and six abstentions, the bill passed.

Passed: Senator Coats (OU)

Why vote yes?  Senator Coats gave clarity to the idea that psilocybin mushrooms are not too dangerous. “The government doesn’t have a significant concern with psilocybin.” He says. Referring to the fact that Psilocybin doesn’t cause overdoses typically and aren’t lethal. Would drugs be safer regulated? Coats says yes. He believes that the government implements “safety nets” as he calls them in order to distribute the safest version of medicine in a legal manner. Will this help the medical mental crisis we seem to be having? “Almost certainly” as he puts it. He knows many people with mental health disorders such as autism and ADHD individuals that benefit them through psilocybin mushrooms.

Against: Senator Currier (SWOSU)

Why Vote No? “I’ve seen not only psilocybin affect the same person differently, but I’ve also seen how people on psilocybin will react with other people.” Senator Currier highlights the unpredictability of the psilocybin drug. His concern lies in that the legalization would require it to be an open medication which means it is uncontrolled doses. How does it negatively affect Oklahoma citizens? “More broad use of mood inhibitors or hallucinogens can definitely make it harder for people to get in a comfortable situation.” Currier says. Being around people on hallucinogens not only makes many uncomfortable but puts many on edge as they are often unpredictable. Would there be potential medical use? “Yes” Currier says, however he believes the adequate research to legalize is lacking. 


Psilocybin mushrooms were a heavily debated topic by the entire O.I.L. senate. Each opinion had differed greatly from the next despite the many who passed the bill. Both sides had brought up logical components and concerns regarding this untouched territory. Whether or not this is just O.I.L. or the real official senate chamber, Senator Smith has the topic beginning to tread the boards regarding its legalization and potential health benefits.