
By Journalist Liv Kopang (OSU)

Rep. Kris Gilmore (OSU) presented a bill to the house on Thursday afternoon titled “Safeguarding Sooner Lungs” Act of 2024. The bill proposes that it should be illegal for “individuals and advertise businesses to sell, distribute, use or distribute flavored disposable vapes within the state of Oklahoma.” 

After Rep. Gilmore presented his bill, the representatives moved swiftly to ask questions and deliberate with others. The body had much to say and even more to ask the author. 

Although the body had much to ask, they were still fairly split in their views on the probability of it passing. 

Rep. Jules Yang (TU) respected the message of the bill but didn’t agree with the execution. “It’s a good bill in theory, but the execution is not my favorite. I think that if this was passed out of the OIL realm, I don’t think it would pass.” 

Rep. Jules also brought up the point of the vape issue being a national matter not a state or local one. To solve the issues they believe are present in the bill, Rep. Jules and Rep. Joliff have a friendly amendment they want to propose. 

Rep. Wier and Rep. Bishop discuss OSU-511

“The friendly amendment amends section one of the bill… all stocks contained by Oklahoma ran companies for fruity vapes will be recycled accordingly through the appropriate recycling channels.” 

Other representatives like Rep. Maddy Casual (OU) believe that the bill was a great advocate for younger generations and helped solve a largely growing problem. 

“OSU-511 is an exceptionally well-written bill with a great purpose. Oklahoma’s younger generations need to know about and be protected from products that may seem recreational but can have detrimental effects to their health.” 

With the passing of this bill, representatives had the opportunity to have their voices heard while its author was able to thoroughly examine his own bill.