Senate Shenanigans: “Blessings Act” Brings Laughter and Freshness

By Journalist Abigail Bowman (ORU)

“Blessings Act,” affectionately known as the “Sneezing Bill,” is a delightful attempt to turn sneezing into a legal affair that is leaving the Senate with a cheerful atmosphere. 

Senator Ramsey expressed her excitement about the Blessings Act. To her, it was a breath of fresh air in the often serious Senate chamber. She applauds the lighthearted nature of the proposal, deeming it a fantastic initiative that adds a touch of humor to the legislative routine.

Senator Bell, with her seven-star wisdom, found herself initially amused by the humor of the Sneezing Bill. However, rather than dismissing it, she took a different approach. Instead of squashing the fun, she encouraged and applauded the freshmen behind the comedic legislation. She proudly watched as a freshman stood up for over an hour defending the bill, recognizing the enthusiasm and creativity the newcomers brought to the Senate floor. Senator Humphrey, the diligent one-star senator, could not help but notice the shift in the Senate’s atmosphere. The freshmen, eager to make their mark, injected a refreshing dose of humor into the proceedings. While the Sneezing Bill might be more about laughs than laws, Humphrey sees it as a welcome break from the usual seriousness, acknowledging the importance of keeping spirits high. He also took the opportunity to share a lesson in Senate etiquette, emphasizing the proper way to make a statement by saying “on order” instead of the more common “on information,” which is reserved for questions.

In this whimsical world of the Blessings Act, opinions are as diverse as the alternative blessings it proposes. While some senators, like Ramsey, cheer for the lighthearted touch and creativity, others, like Bell, appreciate the freshmen’s gumption. The Sneezing Bill is not just bringing laughter but also a sense of freshness to the Senate, proving that even in the realm of legislative discussions, a good chuckle can be a valuable commodity.