Nothing but Hope, Hype, and Hodson

By Journalist Trevor Friesen (OSU).

Newley elected Speaker pro tempore Daytona Hodson (OSU) celebrating his recent election victory

At Large University has struck gold. 

As the O.I.L. session comes to a close today, April 2nd, many look sorrowly on towards drives back and eventual closed doors, but not Representative Daytona Hodson (OSU). As of April 1st, Hodson was officially named “Speaker pro tempore” of the House of Representatives for the 55th annual O.I.L. session. 

While running unopposed, Hodson is “still really excited to be in this position”, ecstatic at the opportunity to “craft and hone in on the experience for all delegates, new and old”. 

Perhaps as equally as excited as he is to serve in the position, Hodson takes the prospect of working alongside newly elected “Speaker of the House” Adam Clifton (OBU). Thankful for the diversity in opinions Clifton brings, along with their years of credible experience, Hodson looks on towards the “exciting debates, open discussions, and overall expansion of the minds of the body”. 

One of the most favorable things Hodson is looking forward to is the continued interaction with the freshmen liaisons. Being someone who “is not a political science major and in fact a marketing major at Oklahoma State Spears School of Business”, Hodon looks at his opportunity to serve O.I.L. as not a mere “resume builder”, but as an overall “experience event”.

Due to this general difference, Hodon feels his “many ideas for increased freshmen involvement” will greatly contribute to better debate, especially that of the “later days of session like Saturday and Sunday”. 

His ability to teach and grow the representatives for the purposes of “making motions, debating, and generally feeling more confident” is one he greatly values and is certainly what he “looks forward to most these upcoming sessions”. 

Overall, Hodson looks forward to his position with wide eyes and determination. Honoring those who came before him, Hodson aims at working for the betterment of O.I.L. as a whole to the best of his ability, that his past reflects, and that his goals support even further.