Senate Fashion Committee

By Journalist Teyte Holcomb (OSU).

The OIL Senate has nominated a fashion committee for this year’s session, and the competition is no joke.


After a tough battle between the 13 nominees, a team of three was voted upon by the rest of the Senate body. Senator Jackson Pelfrey (OSU), Audrey Fleschute (OSU), and Phyllis Bell (OU) took home the gold for chair member, with Pelfrey (OSU) as chair and Bell (OU) as vice chair. 

The fashion committee stands to bring a less-stressful environment to the senate, and encourage creativity among fellow senators. This creativity is nothing short of impressive, either. 

Pelfrey (OSU) said he couldn’t be happier about his nomination. 

“I’m very honored to earn this position,” Pelfrey said. “Last session as a zero star, I became the member and I have stepped up and dethroned none other than Audrey Fleschute herself.” 

The Senate has been known for their fashion committee for the past few years, and Vice Chair Phyllis Bell said it gives senators the chance to fully serve.

“I’ve been on the fashion committee in some capacity since I started OIL,” Bell said. “I love to see creativity, so as long as you’re creative you can eat it up in the senate.” 

A new change from the previous years, Fleschute (OSU) said that while she is sad to be booted from chair, she is still excited for Pelfrey to start his committee career. 

“Even though I’m sad to not be leading such a slay committee, I know it will be in good hands,” Fleschute said. Now I’m not in charge of anything, so it’s basically like being the hype man of the committee. I don’t make any of the decisions but I get to meet everyday and with all of my fellow senators and see who slayed the best.” 

The fashion committee will reconvene tomorrow morning on the fourth day of session.