Floor Leader Boren

By Journalist Amaya Brooks (OBU).

Floor Leader and Senator Connor Boren has been a prominent figure in the esteemed Senate body since ye old zoom sessions, and eagerly joined the Senate with its first after covid and in person session in the Fall of 2021. 

“My overall experience at OIL? I found a place where I could be myself. I think that is one of the most meaningful parts of this organization.” Boren’s heart for this organization can be found in his service and care to the esteemed Senate body and also to his home delegation of OU. “I look forward to session from the day that I get home, when I get to be around these like minded people who are politically conscious, engaged, and respectful of each other. It is a place where you can talk about the things you can’t talk about at thanksgiving.” 

Boren has an understanding of the way the Senate body moves and would take this experience into his candidacy for Pres Pro. “I was fortunate to come in as a zero star and not know what I was doing, I didn’t have to worry about anything except learning the ropes. I think that is what leadership is there for, to help acclimate new people, to ingratiate them into the culture of OIL, and to eventually help train them and have a hand in them stepping up to have a hand in leadership themselves so they can do the same for themselves.” 

“My experience as a delegation chair has been challenging and rewarding and I think that that’s the case with every position in leadership. I think leadership should always challenge itself to be better than prior leadership, although that would be incredibly difficult because of our lineage of excellent Pres Pro and Delegation Chairs at OU.” Floor Leader Boren has a phenomenal way of moving the body along and ensuring that bills continue to get heard and that the website continues to reflect the business of the Senate. “Serving in leadership is just my way to give back.”

When asked what his advice would be to returners to OIL, Senator Boren said, “For the first time that you jump in and lead, the first time that you do that you are setting yourself down a path of leadership and I think it’s important for members to realize what position they are in. Keep in mind those leadership positions to really bolster their confidence in the future because this organization is nothing without future ladders. Throw your hat in the ring and run for something. The organization needs experienced people to step up.” One of the most unique parts of the way OIL runs is the fact that is it a 100% student run organization and this is something the Floor Leader Boren plans on emphasizing and encouraging for higher star counts. 

To zero stars, Boren’s advice would be, “Zero stars, start.” There is so much grace in the first few days of session, and it is so encouraging for higher star counts to see zero stars speak up and get involved! “ It is very important to engage with your higher star count colleagues and to learn from them. So that when you are a higher star count, you can be that source of wisdom.” 

Senate Elections will be Saturday afternoon.