Candidate Forum Provides Exposure Opportunity

By Journalist Trevor Friesen (OSU).

Preeminent passion shines a light on the future of Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature. 

On Wednesday, March 29th, a candidate forum was held for those competing for upcoming positions within OIL. Featured competitors, in both the House and Senate, responded to a wide array of questions to bolster their pillars of reason for running and continue to campaign their desire towards bettering the organization as a whole. 

Overall, the presence of sheer passion remained embossed in the forum, with uplifting stories and experiences continually backing a pre-established theme of the night: love for the organization. 

“I wouldn’t be standing here today representing UCO for a third session in a row by myself if I didn’t really truly care about the organization” said Chris Moss, a candidate for senate deputy president pro tempore. A representative of one, yet captivator of hundreds, Senator Moss runs on the basis of sheer dedication.

“[OIL is] such an amazing thing to come together from all different political ideologies, rural or urban, [varying] organizations and schools” stated Connor Boren, a candidate for senate president pro tempore. Further expanding on the idea, Senator Boren hedges his belief on unity and appreciation for those who walked before him, taking inspiration from and modeling after in his motives to run. 

Candidate for senate president pro tempore, Connor Boren, addressing a question at the forum. 

The forum featured an incredible cast of passionate and credible candidates, all of which entwined emotional connections to their desire with the justifications in past positions and efforts.