Meet O.I.L. Senator, Audrey Fleschute: A Legislator on the Rise

By Destiny A. Murphy (ORU) 

There are many people in the world with a knack or an undying passion for government and politics, but if there’s anyone that truly breathes, eats and sleeps legislation and government, it just might be OIL Senator Audrey Fleschute. She is cultivating a path of her own and legislating her very own legacy! 

Senator Fleschute is a vibrant, fashionable and well-informed Political Science Major & Psychology minor at Oklahoma State University, located in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Hailing all the way from Kansas City, Missouri, Senator Fleschute is passionate about initiating change and bringing legislative reform, with legislative experience dating back to her high school days! In an impromptu interview with the senator, she noted that following her undergraduate degree, she is considering obtaining a Master’s degree in Public Policy after retiring her initial passion for law. 

The vibrant and vivacious senator indicated that she was led to be a part of OIL based on mentorship and recruitment from a former OIL Press Secretary, and based on her 5 star record, it is obvious that this is a decision she certainly does not regret. Within OIL, she also serves on the Fashion Committee and a part of her budding resume, also sits the role of Speaker of the Senate for Student Government Association at her school, Oklahoma State University. 

When asked her advice to anyone interested in pursuing a career in government or perhaps joining OIL, she advised that they become involved in new things. She also indicated that OIL is a “safe space to learn what is right for you” and afford persons the opportunity to make friends of a lifetime! Apart from running legislation bills at OIL and serving in formal capacities, in her free time, she enjoys reading fiction books, stating that anyone who enjoys reading non-fiction scares her.